Chapter 34 - New Contact

After cleaning ourselves and eating breakfast, we separated for our day's activities. Suuru now had everything she needed and planned to work at home the whole day. I needed to continue learning the language and aimed for the library once more.

This time, I teleported to a small back alley to get there faster. Even though the concentration of sel in the inside world was lower than outside, it wasn't critical to me, considering that I was a rank 4 mage and that basic teleportation consumed little in the first place.

I hoped that there would be more available seats since I arrived earlier but was soon disappointed. The situation was the same as the previous day, to the point that the same girl I argued with the day before was still alone in the same reading room.

Without any other choice, I entered it and was met with a glare of disgust.

"You again? I told you not to approach me anymore."

That was quite the greeting but it wasn't unexpected.

"All the other rooms are full. This is the only place with some seats left."

She scowled, clearly unhappy about my answer.

"Leave. Now."

"You're not the boss of me."

"Are you crazy?"

"What now?"

"Aren't you afraid of what could happen to you? Don't you know who I am?"

"No idea. Should I know?"

She watched me with a bemused look that made her look quite funny.

"You didn't think about inquiring?"

"Holy! Is the world revolving around you or something? That's some amazing ego you got there."

"What did you say!?"

"Ah, stop. I'm here to study, not to fight with you."

"I was also doing fine before you came in!"

"Yes, yes. Just so you know, I'm still grateful for your help yesterday, even though you're like… that. I don't mind. No one is perfect."

"How many times are you going to insult me before you're satisfied? I could get you into prison for that!"

She was now trembling in rage, her face red in anger. For some reason, it felt quite good to tease her. Still, I shouldn't go any further or we would never get anywhere.

"In prison? So, what's your name, and what's so special about you that you could do that?"

"I'm Ulum Yorda, daughter of the mayor! It's too late to apologize now! I'll get you into trouble!"

"No, you won't."


"You're not that kind of person, are you?"

"What do you even know about me!"

"Why did you help me yesterday, without asking for anything in exchange?"

This silenced her for a moment and I could see her trying hard to come up with a reason.

"It was just on impulse. Pity toward a rude foreigner like you."

"I wasn't rude yet at that time."

"So, you admit to being rude now?"

"I sure am. I've got one more question. Why did you react so badly when I touched you?"

This time, she completely stopped moving and talking. For long seconds, she stayed quiet, her face a mix of emotions that were hard to decipher. Eventually, she opened her mouth, her voice full of disdain.

"That's none of your business."

"I guess so. Anyway, you understand I didn't mean anything bad by it, right?"


"Okay. Let's make peace then. We're friends again."

"Who's your friend!"

"You. Hey, come and teach me today too. I've got a lot more to learn."

"You're insane!"

"Hurry up."


'I went back to teasing her again. It's almost like a reflex. How weird.'

For the next few minutes, we bickered some more but I obviously managed to win. I promised not to touch her again and before she knew it, she was back to teaching me, with a face showing that she didn't understand how such a thing could happen.

"This syllable should be held longer."

"Here, keep your tone high."

"You have a very strong accent."

Each of her sentences was accompanied by appropriate answers.

"I see. You're so smart."

"Like that? I'm glad such a nice girl is teaching me."

"How could the daughter of the mayor be that amazing?'

It was just my usual flood of praises. According to my instructors, even the most antisocial person didn't hate receiving praise. It was counter-intuitive for people to hate someone who raised them to the skies while continuously smiling.

And it worked wonders. She was still frowning at the beginning while teaching me reluctantly but my constant pleasant assault on her ears had a decent effect. In less than ten minutes, she was relaxed again. And after twenty minutes, she asked me to quiet down and stop spouting so many horrifying praises that I didn't mean. I chuckled and took it down a notch. Of course, I never completely stopped. In my experience, this was a sure-win strategy with most folks and she wasn't an exception.

After around one hour, it was she who put a halt to the lesson today.

"I can't play with you anymore. I need to study too."

"I understand. Thanks a lot, Ulum, my friend."

"I'm not your friend."

"What are you studying for?"

"The end-of-year exams are in two weeks. All the students in the city are studying for that right now. That's why there's no room left anywhere in the library."

"I see. Well, except for your room, right? I guess everyone's afraid of the mayor's daughter."

"Hmph. Cowards."

"Yes, yes. That's why you love me so much for keeping you company. I get it."

"Stop your nonsense and be quiet. I need to focus."

"Sure. Ah, I'm grateful you took the time to teach me when you're so busy yourself. Do you want me to help with your studies in exchange?"

"You? Hahaha. What could I possibly learn from you?"

"I'm good at math and finance."

"Math? Do you even know how to solve a cubic equation?"

"That's basic. What about you? Do you know what a vertex operator algebra is?"

"…A what?"