Chapter 6 – Talk

Suuru came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. Unfortunately, she was still as nude as ever and I had to look away while she passed by me to reach her room. I still couldn't help sending a few glances her way. For someone who didn't have any contact with the other sex for twenty years, today truly filled that void, at least on the visual side of things. While this wasn't conclusive enough to say she was the same human as me on the inside, the outside sure couldn't get any more similar to it.

She left her room again, this time wearing lighter clothes. With the temperature being comfortable, she had chosen a simple top with shorts, probably the equivalent of pajamas, revealing a lot of skin. She had one more set of similar clothing in her hands, which she handed to me.

"You can change into these for the night. It'll be more comfortable."

I hesitated for a moment before letting it go. Returning to the bathroom, I quickly changed into what she gave me. It was loose on the chest and tight on the waist, which made perfect sense considering our builds' differences. No matter how much she treated me like a girl, my chest would remain as flat as ever.

"Hehe, it doesn't fit you at all."

She giggled a little at my appearance and took one of my hands in hers. I shivered at the contact with her soft and warm hand, thinking one more time how different it felt from mine.

"Let's go sleep now."

She took me to her room and began to settle on the bed. This made me stop in my tracks.

"Wait. Do you want to sleep together on the same bed?"

"Of course."

"Ugh… That's a bad idea. I'll just sleep on the floor in the living room."

"What are you saying? How can you get a good rest like this? Come now, there's enough room for the two of us on the bed."

"No, but…"



I couldn't say no to her when she looked at me so innocently full of goodwill. She placed herself close to the wall while I very slowly entered the bed from the other side. I previously had been too busy getting lost in my dark thoughts to notice how good she and the bed smelled. This was purely her natural odor, without any additional perfume, and the scent was profoundly pleasant. Unfortunately, it was also very arousing. I silently cursed when my member unconsciously reacted to it, readying itself for action. This was going to be a long night. We stayed like this for a long time, the silence enveloping us. From the room's sole window, the sky was darkening, progressively plunging us into darkness. I just now noticed I hadn't seen any artificial light in this house yet.

"Say, are you feeling better now?"

Suuru suddenly talked to me in a quiet voice. Maybe she also had trouble falling asleep.

"A little bit."

"Do you want to talk about what happened to you? I want to help you if I can."

She was as nice as ever but this also felt weird to me.

"Why are you being so good to me? Even though I'm just a stranger?"

She didn't immediately respond. After a few seconds of silence, she finally opened her mouth.

"The truth is… Don't laugh, okay? I've been feeling a bit lonely."

"Are you living here alone?"

"Yes. I don't know if you saw but this house is quite far from the city. There are only fields around us and the farmers don't tend to them that often. I'm usually alone here most of the year."

"I see."

I wanted to ask more but it would feel hypocritical of me to ask about her when I hadn't revealed anything about me. I decided to explain my situation a little. I couldn't tell her the truth, at least not until I knew more about this world and what my being here entailed.

"I… think I had some sort of incident. And I also feel like my memory is a bit blurry. I'm not certain why I'm here. I remember some basic things but forgot some others."

"Oh no… My poor girl. You lost your memories too? Life's being so hard on you. Is that why you were asking me about babies?"

"Yes. I still have so many things I don't understand. I'll probably have to ask you a lot of questions."

"That's fine. Ask anything you want. I'll answer it all as best as I can!"

Her words were reassuring. I wondered if I was lucky in my absolutely terrible luck. Come to think of it, what was the chance of teleporting on a planet in this vast universe after a gate incident? What's more, right next to such a nice person? It was probably so low that calculating the odds would make me even more depressed.

There were another few moments of silence. Yet, as if the quietude was unbearable, Suuru continued our chat.

"It's been a very long time since I slept together with another girl."

I didn't know how to respond to that, especially because this didn't count as sleeping with another girl considering how very much of a boy I was. I heard her turning to my side.

"Your back is so wide. Say… Can I hug you from the back?"

Yet another tricky demand. One part of me knew that this would only make sleeping harder. The other part was screaming at me to go for it. I was but a lowly male. My choice was obvious.


"Thank you."

She placed her arms around my waist while I sensed her breasts and head sticking to my back. The sensation of softness was sublime, contrasting very much with the renewed hardness of my tool.

"So warm…"

Her voice sounded sleepy and, less than a minute later, she was breathing evenly, already asleep. On my side, things were trickier. There was no way I could sleep under these conditions.

Yet, despite my worries, I eventually fell into dreamland, joining my bedmate in her rest.
